Resume Web-App Using React Js and Bulma CSS

2 min readApr 22, 2021


Hello All,

Few days back, I got a call from one of the MNC firm where they need a full-stack developer who can handle backend as well as front-end web applications using Python-Django and React-Js stack and they asked me to develop and host plain React-Js application to showcase my front-end skillset.

Most of my friends know that I’m new to this front-end thing(Which is absolutely right). So I took this up as learning process and tried to develop the Resume app. So the question is why Resume App? and the answer came up eventually that, my few friends pallavi and ankita wants to learn and develop web application using React-Js libraries.

So far, this is the background story and below is the process


  1. React-Js
  2. CSS Framework (Bulma)


This is just a beginner app for developing interest in the technology, So I have tried the below steps before writing single line of code.

1. List down the pointers of Resume

This is the major step, where we have decided what should be present in your Resume app as content. So we have finalized the below pointers

Introduction, Work Experience(If Any), Education, Skillset and Contact

2. Developing React-Js and Its Components

In this part, We have break down the React components into three parts,

  1. Header
  2. Resume Body
  3. Footer

As name suggests, We have used to put the right information into their respective components and this is something very easy to understand.

3. Using Bulma CSS Classes

So majorly all the text and content alignment is done using the Bulma css framework. Its MIT licensed and open to use for all the development purposes.

4. Host Your App Using Netlify

I know there are number of options to deploy your website/web-app over the internet. But my personal experience with this site is pretty good. You can select your Github repo with build triggers easily.

So far so good, we are good to go with Resume app development storyline. Its has been great to see so many new features are offering in the open source environment as well. Just feel free to explore new things and try to learn and implement things your on your own.

Thank You!!!

